Candy vs Sniper
The Shogun vs Sharic Jackson
Grimace vs "The Prep" Joshua J. Bradley
Grimace is back up but he is kinda dizzy and is walking parallel to the ropes.
Joshua bounces off the ropes and nails Grimace with a bulldog he also holds on
and locks on The Finest thing. Grimace grabs the ropes but there is no DQ,
including no rope break. After a few more seconds the pain gets to him and
Grimace taps out.
"The Black Angel" Yoshihiro Takagi vs Ares,The War God
Ares picked up BA and locked on a front face lock then picked him up and hit a stalling brainbuster for a two and a half count. Ares started to get frustrated, then began stomping BA. Soon Takagi got back up, and they locked up again. BA got in a kick and applied a standing head scissors. He reverse underhooked Ares' arms and turned him over like he was going for a backslide, but instead pushed him up into the air behind him in a crucifix position then slammed him down into a sitdown powerbomb and held it for a two count. BA got up and started arguing with the referee about the count, which allowed Ares to hit a low blow unseen by the ref. He locked on a pumphandle position then hit a pumphandle drop on The Black Angel. Ares waved off Takagi, then went to the outside and got a chair. The Shogun ran down to the ring as Ares got back in the ring. The ref tried to keep Ares back, but he forced his way over to BA. He held the chair in the air to hit Takagi with it, but Shogun grabbed it and took it from him, then hit ARES with it! The ref called for the bell as Shogun dropped the chair and planted Ares into it with The Shogun DDT. BA gave Shogun a glare, then Shogun left ringside with a hurt Ares in the middle of the ring.
Fire & Ice vs Kyle "The Mark" Solomon & "The Innovator" Johnny Drake [The lights in the arena go out, and the EPWA big screen fades to black. As "Go Head" by the Lox hits the PA system, blue and yellow strobe lights kick on all around the building. White smoke gathers in the entrance way, with a dry ice-like effect. As the vocals kick in on "Go Head" the letters J.D.I. pop up on the big screen in white. Suddenly, an explosion goes off in the entrance way and Johnny Drake slides through into the crowd's view, holding a broom stick in his right hand. He is decked out in black Kikwear pants with a black shirt that says "TRUE REVOLUTION" on it. He's also wearing a backwards, black fitted baseball hat and black sunglasses. The big screen plays a montage of Johnny's moves. Inbetween each move the word "INNOVATOR" flashes. Johnny looks up at the big screen, laughs a little, and then starts walking down the entrance ramp and to the ring, banging the broom on the ground. When he arrives at ringside, Johnny throws thw broom into the ring and slides into the ring under the bottom rope himself. Johnny pops up to his feet and grabs the broom. He, then, runs to the far corner and hops onto the second rope. He raises the broom in the air and you see the letters "BL" carved into the handle. Before Johnny hops off; he takes off his tanktop and sunglasses, making sure not to knock off his hat. Johnny drops down to the mat and hands his clothes to a ring attendant. Johnny holds the broom like a sword while staring at Fire and Ice. The lights kick off and his music fades out.] [The arena is completely dark. Two pits open up in the entrance stage. One is surrounded by 6' high flames while the other has blue light and a fog coming out of it. From the Fire pit, Inferna rises. From the dry ice pit, the IceMan emerges. They meet at center stage and give each other a huge all-enveloping kiss. With that, they grasp hands and walk down the ramp to fight. Inferna looks excited, IceMan looks serious. They enter the ring and each mount a turnbuckle. They raise their arms and incite the crowd to cheer. The fans go wild and the team is now ready to fight.] Jake: All of the competitors are in the ring, as Shane Blake is standing outside, just watching Fire and Ice. Will: I like Shane... Jake: You would... Will: I like Shane... Jake: Shutup Will. Will: I like Shane... Jake: Somebody help! Will is a Blakeacholic!!!!! Will: I like... [Suddenly, Inferna poses for the crowd, on the side that the commenting booth is on.] Will: ...Inferna!!!!!! Jake: Finally, he snaped out of the phase... Will: I like Shane and Inferna... Jake: Somebody save us all... [The bell sounds as Iceman and Drake start off in the ring. Drake and Ice lock up as Ice gets the advantage and whips Drake into the ropes. Drake returns and goes for a clothesline, but Ice ducks. Drake comes back again as Ice jumps up and goes for a hurricanrana. Drake holds Ice's legs up in the air and nails a vicious powerbomb, but as Drake lands it, he flips over into a pin, holding Ice's legs.] [1.......kickout!] Jake: Johnny went for an early cover there. Will: But did you see that move! That move reeked of Innovativeness! Jake: *cough*ripoff*cough* [Ice rolls over and stands up, as Drake begins kicking the life out of Ice. Ice is being stomped out of the ring as Inferna is now standing on the top rope. Drake turns to face her, as Inferna jumps off the top, hitting a monster flying head scissors. Ice, on the outside, lifts up the curtain and pulls out a chair. He tosses it into the ring, as Drake is now up. Drake grabs the chair in mid-air as Inferna jumps and nails a standing dropkick on Drake. Drake is now laid out in the ring, with a chair on his face. Inferna begins to climb up the turnbuckle as she poses to the crowd, to a huge response. She jumps and nails a moonsault, landing on Drake's head. Inferna, instead of covering him, rolls off, clutching her ribs] Jake: What happened?!? Will: Fuck the match, Inferna's hurt! Wait a minute, I know CPR, let me in there! Jake: Sit down Will, she's hurt, not unconscious. [Ice slides back into the ring and picks up the chair that was laying on Drake's face. Ice nails Drake in the face with the chair as he turns Drake over onto his stomach. Ice locks in a Steiner Recliner as Inferna looks on. Shane sees that Drake is in trouble as he slides in the ring and grabs her by the hair. Shane looks like he is going to kiss her, but instead, tosses her, by the hair, over the top rope, and to the floor. Kyle Solomon, who is standing on the top rope, is sitting there, as if waiting for something. Shane grabs the chair on the ground and picks it up. Kyle jumps off of the top rope, going for a missile dropkick as Shane quickly puts the chair up at Iceman's face. Shane dents the chair with MAJOR impact as Ice falls off. Ice is on his back as Drake slowly puts an arm on Ice's stomach.] [1.......2.......thre...KICKOUT!!!] Jake: Iceman kicked out!!! Will: Wow..didn't expect that. [Ice slowly gets to his feet and whips Drake into the turnbuckle, buying himself some time. With his gaze still firmly planted on Shane, Iceman walks over to his own corner and tags in Inferna. Inferna jumps over the ropes just as Drake staggers out of the corner. Inferna grabs Drake and whips him towards Ice, who executes a scissor sweep and takes the Innovator down. Ice picks Drake up and executes an inverted DDT, then runs over and back elbows Solomon as Inferna makes the pin on Drake] [1......2....KICKOUT!!] [Inferna pulls Drake to his feet and goes to execute a hurricanrana, but Drake counters it into a stiff powerbomb. Drake walks over and hammers Ice from behind, and throws him outside the ring before tagging in Solomon, who reluctantly looks at him. Slowly he gets in the ring and walks over to Inferna, who has gotten to her feet. At first Solomon looks reluctant to hit her, but he quickly changes his mind as he picks Inferna up and bodyslams her. Kyle picks her up and executes a very quick fallaway slam, and tags Drake back in. Drake brings his broom in with him, and lunges at Inferna, who quickly sidesteps. Drake turns around and is met with a stiff kick from Inferna, and another, and almost a third. Drake grabs Inferna's leg and tries to hit her with the broom, but Inferna quickly jumps and knocks Drake down with an enzuigiri, at the same time splintering the broom across Drake's head. Inferna drags Drake over towards where Ice is, and he gets in the ring too. They apply a double inverted facelock on Drake and hit a double IcePick (double team reverse brainbuster). Inferna goes for the cover..] [1......2......thre....KICKOUT!!!] Jake: How in the hell did Drake kick out of that?!? Will: Because he's the Innovator! That's why! Drake, you're the greatest man! Jake: Shut up or we'll get sued! And..what the hell? Who is that?!? Will [looking towards the entry ramp]: Is that..its Ares! [Ares, still in his wrestling attire, makes his way down to the ring. He walks over to where Kyle is standing, and cracks him on the head with his kendo stick. Ares rolls into the ring. He hits Drake with the kendo stick and gives him a Mission to mars (fireman carry to sit-down powerbomb). Then, he walks over to Inferna and motions towards Drake, nodding his head and smiling. Ice looks at Ares, then at Inferna and finally at the unconcious Drake. Inferna climbs to the top rope and hits the Fireball (450 splash) on Drake and goes for the cover as Ares motions towards Shane, giving him a dire gaze] [1.....2.....THREE!!!] Jake: They did it!! It's over!! Will: I...I can't believe Drake LOST! ...Oh well. Derek DeGaulle: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners.. and **NEW** EPWA World Tag Team Champions: Inferna and IceMan...FIRE..AND...ICE!! Jake: Finally! Those two really deserve the belts; more than Drake ever did! Will: At least that's what you seem to think... [The entire arena goes wild and starts cheering as Ice and Inferna are handed the tag straps. Ares stands silently near one turnbuckle, but a smile is across his face. Both Ice and Inferna put on the Tag titles, and each raises their hands in victory for the crowd. Ice then looks at Inferna and kisses her, and then puts her on his shoulder like Randy Savage used to do with Elizabeth in days of old. This gets a huge pop from the crowd] Jake: We're out of time! But what a night it was! Fire and Ice have finally become the EPWA tag team champions!! [Cut to a closeup of the victorious Fire and Ice, proudly holding up the EPWA tag titles, and then fade to black] ©2000 Elite Pro Wrestling Alliance. Dark Matches
Candy came back from what seemed to be a one-sided match favoring Sniper, but then she slipped out of the Far Sight and planted him with a DDT, then finished it off with the Pom-Pom Bomb off the top rope for the victory.
Winner: Candy
This match basically went back and forth for a while, until Sharic attempted a running clothesline which Shogun ducked, then capitalized by hitting The Shogun DDT and covered him for the 3 count.
Winner: The ShogunFriday Night Fury
(No DQ Match)
Joshua and Grimace open u the match exchanging hard right and left blows. Soon
Grimace gets the upper hand by raking the eyes of Joshua then giving a standing
clothesline, sending him to the mat. Grimace went for the cover but
Joshua kicked out after the count of 1. Grimace climbs out of the
ring and lifts up the apron, and slides out a table holding it length wise but
Joshua was up and bouncing off the ropes and lands a baseball slide into the
table causing it to bounce off of Grimace’s skull sending him to the arena
floor. The Prep got out the ring then slid Grimace back inside and followed him.
Joshua grabs grimace and tosses him into the ropes and nails him with a
Winner: Joshua J. Bradley
(Non-Title Match)
Black Angel came out first, then Ares came down, but Ares looked very pissed off. As soon as he got in the ring, Ares charged BA and caught him dead on with a Yakuza kick. Black Angel stumbled back to his feet. Both men locked up, and BA took quick control and sent Ares to the ropes then followed up with a clothesline. Ares was quickly back up and they then began exchanging blows back and forth. Ares blocked a punch, then tosses BA out the ring. The ref began the count-out counting. Ares followed Takagi to capitalize, but BA landed a low blow. Takagi lifted Ares up and gave him a snake eyes on the guard rail as the ref's count got up to nine. BA grabbed Ares and tossed him back into the ring and immediately followed. Ares slowly got up then ran to the ropes. He came back with a clothesline but BA ducked it and caught The War God with a superkick. Ares remained standing though. BA went to the ropes for a clothesline, but instead, Ares turned to the side and hit a kitchen sink on BA.
Winner: Ares,The War God (Disqualification)
(EPWA Tag Title Match;No Disqualification)