

The following are basic rules and regulations which must be upheld if you are to be under contract to the EPWA. They have been designed to both make the EPWA as fun and enjoyable as possible, yet retain a sense of order necessary to sucessfully run such an enterprise. The basic guidelines are as follows:

1. [ General Rules ]

1.1 The EPWA is dedicated to recognizing wrestling talent who would otherwise be surpassed and ignored, due to the "superstars" in the Big 3 wrestling promotions (WWF, WCW, ECW). We will not under any circumstances offer a contract to these wrestlers. In other words we accept only original wrestlers; no real wrestler or blatant copy will be given an EPWA contract.

1.2 The EPWA must not infringe on any registered trademarks of the Big 3. No wrestler under contract to the EPWA may infringe on these copyrights by using direct or paraphrased slogans belonging to a superstar under contract to the Big 3. In other words, you may not rip off any real wrestler by using his trademark slogan (e.g. And that's the bottom line, cauz "Your Wrestler's Name" said so!).

1.3 All matches that take place at sanctioned EPWA events will be booked by the EPWA Executive Board. Wrestlers under contract are free to issue challenges of their own, but are then required to inform the Executive Board of the challenge, so the weekly schedule can be modified accordingly. Also note that unless due to a prior booking arrangement, all EPWA matches follow standard wrestling rules. That is victory can occur via pinfall, submission, countout, disqualification, or in extreme circumstances, by forfeit.

2. [ Roleplaying/Interview Rules ]

2.1 All interviews (Roleplays) must be done on the Interview board. By the same token, no Out of Character (OOC) material is to be posted on the Roleplay board. Please use the Out of Character board for all such posts, which includes advertising other promotions.

2.2 All wrestlers under contract to the EPWA must interview at least once a week. If this quota is not met, the Executive Board will contact the wrestler and ask for an explanation and, if necessary, terminate your contract.

2.3 Keep swearing to a minimum on the interview board. All EPWA interviews are *assumed* to be broadcast on national television, and therefore we must comply with censors. If you must use extreme language, censor it, but the EPWA encourages you to not resort to verbal insults UNLESS it is expressly part of your wrestler's gimmick. Note, however, that racial and/or homosexual insults are FORBIDDEN.

2.4 You may NOT, under any circumstances, use another wrestler's character, manager, or family members in an interview without BOTH parties informing the executive board, or one party providing proof (e.g. e-mail, ICQ chat transcript) of the other party's agreement. Note that you also may not invent fictious characters soley for the purpose of badmouthing the wrestler you are facing (e.g. meeting your opponent's ex-girlfriend and having her say how much of a scumbag he was). Violation of this rule will result in IMMEDIATE termination of your contract.

2.5 The EPWA is a booked promotion, meaning that the outcomes of matches are based entirely on interviews and current storylines. If you lose a match you feel you should have won, talk to the Executive Board about it. There is a good chance that you lose because we have other plans for you and/or because we feel that a feud with the person who beat you would be a good way to elevate your status.. Bitching out the Executive Board and whining how you were "screwed" and/or accusing us of "playing favorites" will result in disciplinary actions being taken against you.

2.6 While not mandatory, strategies that are sent in for EPWA Friday Night Fury greatly help. For those who do not know what a strategy is, it is a short summary of what your wrestler will attempt in his match, as well as the planned (from your perspective, unless there is prior arrangement) finish to the match. Examples include pre-match interviews, spots your wrestler will attempt, and any use of foreign obejects and/or interferance that may occur. Strategies are also generally used in the event of two competitors being evenly matched.

2.7 The EPWA staff greatly encourage our wrestlers to mingle amongst each other, and to pre-determine angles and feuds that they would like to occur. We wholeheartedly encourage this, although it is by no means required for your success in the EPWA. In addition the Board will occasionally approach wrestlers with angles that we feel would be interesting, although by no means will we force them upon you.

3. [ Weekly Events and Pay Per Views ]

3.1 The EPWA has one weekly show, entitled Friday Night Fury. This is our equivalent to WWF Raw or WCW Nitro, and is where all the angles and storylines go down.

3.2 The cutoff date for interviews and strategies for Fury is the Thursday/Friday borderline at MIDNIGHT (Eastern Standard Time). Without prior arrangement with the Executive Board nothing sent after this deadline will count towards Fury.

3.3 From now on, only four (4) interviews will count towards Fury, not including any in-ring promos during the actual event. This is to prevent people from posting un-necessary amounts of interviews to insure that they win a match. We base our matches on the quality of the interviews not on the number of interviews you post.

3.4 The EPWA hosts twelve (12) Pay Per View events, one each month. All EPWA titles are required to be defended at these events, and they are also the time when new storylines/angles are determined. For a complete list of EPWA Pay Per Views, check the appropriate section of the website.

4. [ EPWA Titles ]

The EPWA maintains five (5) championship titles to recognize excellence in the promotion. They are as follows:

  • World Heavyweight Title
  • Intercontinental Title
  • Extreme Title
  • Tag Team Titles
  • Television Title

These belts MUST be defended at every EPWA Pay Per View Event. Other than this there is no requirement and they may be defended as the champion(s) see fit. However the Executive Board retains the right to put a title on the line WITHOUT the consent of the champion.

In the event a champion refuses to defend his title the minimum number of times required, he will be forced to defend it against a challenger of the board's choosing, OR he will be stripped of the title belt and it will be awarded instead to the #1 contender, with a tournament taking place if there is no #1 contender at the time.

5. [ Punishments for Breaking the Above Rules ]
Failure to heed these rules and regulations will result in the following penalties:
  • 1st Offense - A warning is issued to the offender.
  • 2nd Offense - The offender is given a second warning and is suspended for one week's time, during which he may Roleplay but will not be used at an EPWA event.
  • 3rd Offense - The offender is released from his EPWA contract and is free to pursue employment elsewhere. If an appeal is made to the Executive Board, the offender may be reinstated with a majority vote from the Exeuctive Board, in which case said offender will be given two week's probationary time. Should the offender repent his former actions, he will be offered a new contract.

The EPWA Executive Board is somewhat lenient when it comes to enforce the majority of these rules, and will ignore sporadic inferences. However there are some rules, denoted above, which will result in your immediate termination. We cannot stress the following of these rules enough; if you do not plan on heeding our rulebook then do not bother to join.

6. [ The Golden Rule of the EPWA ]
There is one final rule to the EPWA, and it is perhaps the most important of all: Keep in mind that this is a game, designed to be an enjoyable experience for all involved. Don't take anything that happens here too seriously, after all this is just fantasy. Try your hardest to make the game as pleasurable as possible for all its participants, and don't try to make enemies.

©2000 Elite Professional Wrestling Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.
The contents of this webpage is protected under federal law and may not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written consent of the webmaster(s). The EPWA is in no way affiliated with the WWF, WCW, ECW, or any other real wrestling promotion that may exist. Any likeness of an EPWA character to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and should be taken as such. Please direct any questions and/or comments to the webmaster(s).